Friday, May 22, 2009

A Sweet View of Gainesville

Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Melanie, and through this blog, I hope to take you on a tour of the wonderful desserts available in Gainesville, FL and the surrounding area.

Who am I and why would I do this? I am currently a graduate student researching obesity (quite ironic, isn't it?), but I have always been obsessed with baking. To me, a good dessert isn't just tasty. It must have an impressive presence on the plate. Have you ever heard the saying "you eat with your eyes first?" Consider this situation: You are presented with 2 plates. The first plate has a cleanly cut, intact piece of apple pie. It is sprinkled with cinnamon and topped with a heaping scoop of vanilla bean ice cream.

The second plate contains a piece of apple pie where the filling is spilling out all over the plate, and the crust is crumbling and broken. Which would you dive into first? Sure, they may taste the same, but the experience in eating the first piece of pie would be much more satisfying. Read this interesting blog entry by Sean Kelly for more proof.

It is my self-assigned mission to scour the Gainesville area in search of praise-worthy desserts. I will visit restaurants, interview employees & customers, photo-journal the experiences, and report them all back here. Yes, I'm volunteering to do all the dirty work for you! It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it!
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1 comment:

  1. You should check out the February 2009 issue of INsite magazine -- they did a whole Dessert Tour of Gainesville.

    You can see the archives here:
